In order to survive the gruelling two months of travelling, there is a rather long list of items that we need to have along for the journey.
If anybody would like to help sponsor us by donating some equipment or knows of any super sweet deals of where to acquire it, it would greatly be appreciated. Remember everything, from sleeping bags to some plasters, will help us on the way (cars have been fixed by plasters before), plus much of our kit will be left out there to help to people of Mongolia!
Personal Survival:
- Hand cleaner/Sanitiser
- Sun cream
- Sleeping Mats
- Cooking utensils
- Pots and Pans
- Water purification kit
- Jerry Cans
- High visibility Jackets
- Road maps for various far-off lands
- Large First Aid Kit
- Mosquito Repellent
Gifts for people along the way:
- Toys/Games
- Balls
- Pens/pencils/crayons/paper
- Sweets
- Perfume
Odd bits & bobs for the vehicles:
- Engine oil
- Coolant
- Car washing things (want to look shiny on the road)